
(CARD WILL BE LINKED TO AND VISE VERSE), (x) star card, (x) story, 000000, 000000 (if story related)/person affinity lvl 0/card name (if card related), 000000(if applicable), 000100, 000102, 000104, 000106, 000108, 000110, 000112, 000114, 000118, 000120, 1 star card, 11134 +5, 12855 +6, 13100 +6, 13185 +6, 14009 +6, 14815 +7, 15118 +7, 16228 +7, 17107 +8, 20578 +9, 30733 gives 14 bonus, 32276 bonus 15, 32394 bonus +15, 32394 bonus 15, 35134 gave 17 bonus, 36939 bonus 17, 38566 +bonus 18, 38841 gave 18 bonus, 38900 bonus +18, best stat card, bts world, bts world guide, call, Empathy, hoseok, hoseok hair, hoseok item, hoseok style, i goofed this one was 80 and the other was 104 and idk which one was which but i got 184 to finish...., i swear i saw the best animation twice but i guess not..., incomplete, jeongguk, jeongguk item, jeongguk shirt, jeongguk style, JIMIN, jimin hair, jimin item, jimin pants, jimin style, main story, main story/person affinity cue/person card, manager, masterlist, Mission, namjun, namjun affinity, namjun call, namjun item, namjun pants, namjun phone, namjun shirt, namjun style, namjun text, namjun txt, passion, passion card, person affinity (different layout if no affinity given), person affinity/person no affinity, person card, person hair/shirt/pants, person in level, person item, person phone, person sns, person style, person text//call, person who posted (see title), person who texted (gc is ot7), phone, random item, rm card, seok jin, seok jin hair, seok jin item, seok jin style, SNS, stamina, stat 1, stat 2, taehyung, taehyung hair, taehyung item, taehyung style, text, text/call, Wisdom, yunki, yunki item,